Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Model For Sustainable Development

Yulianto Maliang was commissioned to prepare a Master Layout Plan for an integrated Township on 600 ha of land in Indramayu, located outside of Cirebon City. The development is envisaged to be an mid-market Township that will accommodate a growing population within Indramayu seeking a different way of life.  The development is based on a vibrant, safe and secure, ecologically sustainable and modern environment, with national standard public and civic amenities, as well as places of leisure and recreation. 

The Master Layout Plan takes advantage of the Site’s strengths in terms of its existing natural environment, green vegetation, water bodies and mountain views which will be utilised as a backdrop to create a clean, green environment with extensive parks and recreation areas.  Viewpoints have been maximized throughout the Site with and a large Central Park acting as the development’s key central amenity.  A large institutional campus will be located on the largest site, acting as a catalyst for the region by becoming the focal point of research, development and education for the region’s industries and communities.  An adjoining site will include a large residential development and supporting town centre, while the smaller site on the other side of the Central Park will feature exclusive mid end villa communities, as well as a Nature Resort and Landscape, and a Convention Centre and adjoining Hotel.

Using the site’s unique and dramatic landscape, the vision developed by Yulianto Maliang is ambitious and innovative, borrowing ideas and strategies from the most modern and forward-thinking international approaches to design and planning. Stepping away from the typical style of other projects currently underway in the Country, this Project emphasizes and utilizes the natural attributes of the site to create a strong contrast using modern contemporary angular designs against the hilly, soft landscape that defines the Site.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Design is a Realistic Solution To a Problem

In an attempt to understand the underlying methods used in the creation of a design, a great deal of research has been undertaken into the nature of the intellectual process used by designers. What is clear is that there is no single method or system used by all designers, nor does any one designer appear to use any single method (Lawson, 1994). A designer uses many methods simultaneously, directed towards solving the problem and arriving at an acceptable solution.

The creative leap is more a process of building a bridging concept between the problem and its solution (Cross, 1996). In an observation of the design process, Cross determined that there was an ‘apposite proposal’ from one member which grew in acceptance by the other participants in the group trying to resolve the design problem. Once the basic proposal had been accepted the whole group swung behind the idea and then put all its efforts into making it work. This is contrary to the more conventional view of designers waiting for the blinding flash of originality, although the apposite proposal has to be derived from somewhere. But even this was the result of an evolutionary process.

The strategy that appears to be used most consistently is one that focuses on identifying several possible solutions or hypotheses. These ‘protomodels’ (March, 1976) are evaluated and each evaluation is used to refine the proposed solution until an acceptable answer is reached. For this to be effective the problem must be clearly stated.

Redefined the nature and complexity

The mixed-use development is located on a 200-hectare site along the Indramayu main road’s new central business district. The master plan incorporates a comprehensive range of development broken into several phases, consisting of 25,000 sq-m of offices, 100,000 sq-m of residential, 18,000 sq-m of hotel, and 52,000 sq-m of retail area.

The commercial component of Radiant City comprises two 11-storey grade A office buildings, one 5-storey 100-200 room hotel, a 10-storey serviced apartment block, and a large shopping mall. Though possessing a frontage of more than 550m in length, the complex’s functions avoid creating a ‘wall effect’ by being integrated as a curvilinear volume along the main road.

An urban plaza at the southern tip of the site creates an attractive open space for the surrounding community.
The main aimed this project is to create new definition of urban development and character on the new development city of Indramayu.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Learn in Folded Structures

Folded structures are spatial structures formed by the elements in the plane, different in form and materialization. Folded structures differ in: geometric form, the form of a base over which they are performed, the manner of performance, methods of forming stiffness, function and position in the building, and the material they are made of.

By using folded structures different spatial forms can be made. The straight elements forming a folded construction can be of various shapes: rectangular, trapezoidal or trian-gular. By combining these elements we get different forms resulting in a variety of shapes and remarkable architectural expression.

Based on geometric shape folded structures can be divided into :
  • folded plate surfaces,
  • folded plate frames,
  • spatial folded plate structures.
Folded structures in the plane are the structures in which all the highest points of the elements and all the elements of the lowest points of the folded structure belong to two parallel planes.

Frame folded structures represent constructional set in which the elements of each segment of the folds mutually occupy a frame spatial form. This type of folded structure is spatial organization of two or more folds in the plane.

Spatial folded structures are the type of a structure in which a spatial constructive set is formed by combining mutually the elements of a folded structure.

Folded Architecture or Structure ??

Why Architects love origami ? because it achieves what buildings rarely do: frame space through extreme economy of means. Building technologies like 3D modeling and rapid prototyping have made it possible for architecture to mimic the elegant and sometimes complex folds found in origami making with minimal structural interference.

So what do you think about Origami Architecture ?

The Specification of Tropical Architecture

The principles applying to the architecture of tropical areas are so much similar to that of raw area.

1) The natural forces affecting on building design in tropical areas

1-1 Sunlight
Due to high sun energy in this area, the most attempts are made to locate the buildings in the shadows. In this area, wide and roofed verandas are used to prevent rain and provide a shadow on room walls, too.

1-2 The wind
Natural air conditioning is not that much important because of the warmth and humidity of the weather in the region. Therefore enough forecasts are not made to make drafty rooms.

Some big vents are installed in this climate in order to use chilly see breeze. Most of the buildings of the area enjoy vents. Nonetheless in the further areas that are less influenced by sea breeze, the vents are small and short, and there are no vents in many other areas. 

2) The effects of climate on buildings in tropical area

Skin wetness is one of the most important problems in the clement areas, which is due to the high humidity of the weather. Therefore the summary of the principles that should be applied in humid and clement climates are as follows:

· Installing influential and permanent air conditioning
· Protecting walls and windows against sunlight and rain penetration
· Preventing inside weather from warming in day
· Decreasing the warmth to the minimum amount at night

Big windows are very useful provided that they are protected against sunlight, rain penetration and insect entry. It is because such openers not only increase natural conditioning but also lead to the decrease of internal temperature at night and in the evening.

The most appropriate height of the windows is 5.5 to 1.5 meters from the ground. If higher distance is more suitable, it is better to use horizontal windows with joint and upward openers so that it leads the wind to downward (the room).

It is almost necessary to set up windows netting in order to prevent insects' entry to the room. Of course the netting reduces natural conditioning and wind stream inside the room. To reduce such a stream, the netting are set up wit some distance from the window and does not stick to the window.

The windows and big openers in humid areas should effectively be protected against sunlight. The visors of the windows should protect the internal space not only against direct rays but also against scattered rays that have a quite considerable amount in tropical climate. In some cases it is possible to adjoin walls, windows, rain and sunlight protection by expanding the ceiling area. The method is mostly essential in the areas with downpour and wind in which the wind directs the rain horizontally and causes rain penetration to splits and cracks.
3) The selection of building materials according to tropical climate

Due to the lessening of temperature fluctuation in tropical climate, high heat resistant and materials without heat capacity are the best ones. 

4) The effects of climate on buildings in tropical area

The effects of sun radiation in east and west require the buildings to have a tense format and cubed rectangle shape and locate at the east-west axis. This method is quite useful in making a stream inside the house and lessening humidity. If the building is located in shadow, the plan could be open and free.